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Confused Flour Beetle
The adult confused flour beetle is a small insect measuring 3 mm to 4 mm long, having a reddish-brown colour. The confused flour beetle is very similar to the Toothed Grain Beetle, except that it does not have 6 saw-toothed appendages on each side of the thorax, like the serrated grain beetle.
The confused flour beetle feeds on flour and grind only, being unable to pierce healthy grains.
We find confused flour beetle in supermarkets and other food stores from which we will introduce them to our homes with groceries. The confused flour beetle deposits a smelly secretion which makes the products unfit for consumption.
The female lays between 300 to 500 eggs at random in or near food. The female lays 2 to 3 eggs per day during her life evaluated between 2 and 3 years.
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