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araignée pholque phalamgide

Pholcus phalangioides


The pholcus phalangioide spider feeds on live insects and other arthropods sometimes it catches in its web, even the male of the same species must be careful not to get caught and eaten in the coupling.


The p
holcus phalangioide spider feeds on live insects and other arthropods sometimes it catches in its web, even the male of the same species must be careful not to get caught and eaten in the coupling.


We find this spider inside houses in damp areas, dark cellars, where it will make its web of irregular shape.


The male must approach the female cautiously because it could be taken as potential prey and caught to be eaten. It will then vibrate the female's web with a pace very specific rhythm that only she will recognize. Once fertilized, the female produces silk bags containing between 16 and 60 eggs that she will transport between her chelicerae.

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