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Domestic Cricket

The domestic cricket is between 18 mm and 22 mm long. Its colour is yellowish-brown, with dark lines on the head, its antennae are longer than its body and the abdomen ends in cercus, appendage in the filament. The female is very different from the male by the presence of the ovipositor, a long cylindrical egg-laying organ, located between the two cerci.
The domestic cricket feeds on plants, other dead or living insects and even other crickets. Inside it can feed on fabrics such as wool, cotton, silk and even some synthetic fabrics. The domestic cricket is very attracted by clothes impregnated with sweat.
The domestic cricket lives in the fields, on the grounds near our houses and the compost bin, but in winter, it must find warm shelter, it is for this reason that it invades our houses.
The female lays nearly 700 eggs, pushing her ovipositor into a firm, moist soil. She can even lay indoors, in which case she will only lay an average of 110 eggs which she will place in dark, damp cracks.
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